Cat: Bella – Sioux Falls, SD (Apr 2015 – Jan, 18 2016)
Our cat Bella came to us one night as I worked in the garage last summer. Bella would hang out under our car day after day until we made her a little house that she could sleep in, outside our back door.
Bella was very weary of humans to start, but after no time she was the most affectionate cat. She made it inside our home and hearts. We named her Bella because she would dance on her tip toes like a ballerina to get her head scratched. She just loved attention and affection.
We took her to the vet many times because of constant bowl and intestinal problems along with finding she had FIV. But that wasn’t gonna stop us from making her part of the family.
I want her to know we did our best, we tried everything we could do but after 7 months of good days and bad days, it was time to put your pain at ease.
You had an awesome will to live and never complained no matter how you felt. We will never forget the very short time you touched our lives and the sweet car you are. You will be missed.
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