Dog: Billie (Golden / Chow / Husky) – Los Angeles, CA (Mar 24, 2001 – May 26, 2016)
On this day, March 24, 2001 … I went to the visit a few animal shelters intent on adopting a dog. I had just been through a divorce and was ready to adopt a canine friend. The second shelter I visited was a no kill shelter. I saw a black dog that resembled my last dog but we didn’t really click.
Then … upon all the barking dog was this beautiful brown fluffy dog sitting at the front of the kennel staring with her eyes, like …”pick me”. She was the only one not barking. I told them I wanted to meet her …. and it was soulmate at first sight. The rest is history….
After we left the shelter, I realized that they told me she had been there for 2 months and had not really run because they said she wasn’t happy there so didn’t come out of her kennel too much. I took her to the park and let her off leash and watched her fly. She ran crazy but was very obedient, which I was surprised. Found out that day she loved to chase squirrels.
From that day on, she went to the park every day for at least the first 13 years of her life and daily walks for her whole life. Sometimes she went twice a day. I remember at one point taking her to doggy daycare but she hated it, so I thought no sense in paying … she just waited for me at home where she new she was safe.
Billie was that type of dog that was not overly clingy and needy but showed you her love and was very attentive and tuned in to me and my moods and emotions…and was never short on affection. We were so connected that I felt her all the time with me and I feel their love. I do know that she was a happy dog and that we were both blessed that I worked from home for the most part of her live, and gratefully I was here the last few years of her life full time at home.
She was a fighter up until the end, always trying to please me and show me her loyalty. She changed me. During her life, and after her eternal life has started, I am forever changed. Can’t really put a finger on what has happened to me, but I feel closer to god, more assured about my purpose and surprisingly, she has taught me not to fear life.
I miss her terribly but take great solace in knowing she lived her full canine life span with great health really the whole time until the last year.
Kindred spirits …. soulmate sidekick and forever besties ……. me and Billie.
Missing you girl never forget you no matter how many years pass I love you
Its been almost 2 years. Miss you but know you lived your life to the fullest!!
It’s been almost a year since she’s been gone I miss her terribly she was the best thing that ever happened to me