Dog: Sasha (Poodle) – Richmond, VA (Jan 17, 2001 – May 25, 2014)
Sasha was born January 17, 2001, and our families’ hearts were broken when hers gave out on May 25, 2014.
Sasha was a “happy” girl who loved her dresses and nail polish. How fitting that we celebrated her life on Memorial Day, as she was a little trooper. Sasha over came many situations and health challenges.
Most recently, she battled Pulmonary hypertension until her heart had taken as much as it could. Though she is gone from our presence, she won’t soon be forgotten, as she has left an incredible bridge of memories that will keep her near and dear in our hearts.
In life we loved her dearly. In death that won’t soon fade. She will remain forever in our hearts until the end of days. Our memories are fond and treasured.
Shear happiness she gave us one and all. Now heaven boasts a beautiful princess and loving little lap dog.
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