Dog: Baxter (Yorkshire Terrier) – Denver, CO (Jun 3, 2011 – Oct 6, 2012)
Baxter was my best friend, (don’t tell my boyfriend). From the day Baxter came into my life I knew he’d be in my heart forever. We formed a bond that many could see just by how we were together.
Baxter lived his life with passion and every day I found something new that he loved. It all started with his love for snuggling, and then his love for water, birds and running in the dog park, with dogs 5x his size came about.
He always had a way to look at you to melt your heart, and every day when I came home from work his excitement for my kisses was undeniable. He also enjoyed his time at daycare and I’ll remember the moments when I yelled “baby!” and he’d come running from the back of the facility into my arms.
Coming home to him was my favorite part of any day. He knew how to remind me that no matter what happens in life we always had each other, a good bone and a comfy place to take a nap. That living with passion is the only way to live. I truly feel he knew what was important, he consistently reminded me that life goes by too fast and slowing down is the best way to experience any day.
I still can remember how his front paws would go up any time he jumped at a ball. Or how he’d tap his bowl for more water after he’d slurped up an entire bowl in 2 seconds. With each day that passed he learned to jump higher and consistently tried to jump up on the counter to get to the sink, (The place where water comes from.) Although he was never successful I know that in heaven he has a step ladder.
The things that stay with me most is through many colds he would snuggle until I was feeling better. The last night I slept with my best friend, he snuggled warmer, closer and more loving then he’d ever done before.
Baxter also is responsible for introducing me to my other half, David. I am reminded every day looking at David that Baxter loved him as much as he loved me. The memories of how they use to play together and go back and forth with Baxter’s favorite toy “ The frazzled football” are etched in my heart.
Bax I’ll live with passion every day for you.
Until we meet again my Baby Baxter Angel, Mommy loves you!
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