Cat: Daisy (Calico) – Ontario, Canada (1996 – 02/12/2011)
This is a loving tribute to Daisy, who was a precious gift to my parents for almost 15 years. My parents picked her out of a crate at a vet’s office. Daisy was their first cat.
She was tiny and flea infested at first, but she soon settled in. She wasn’t a cuddler or hugger though so we never were able to hold her, she’d back away, but she did accept hand fed treats.
Daisy added joy to my parent’s world and made them chuckle. They loved her dearly. She loved to play footsie with my dad every single day. She also had a pretty girl trill with some of us.
RIP sweet little girl. We’re thankful that your illness was very brief and hope that you’re running the meadows across Rainbow Bridge with our Rusty and Spinner.
Not gone, just gone ahead.
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