Rabbit: Muccu (Dwarf Rabbit) – Ibrag, Malta

Rabbit: Muccu (Dwarf Rabbit) - Ibrag, Malta
Rabbit: Muccu – Ibrag, Malta (2003 – 21 July 2011)

Muccu came into our lives around 5 years ago, a grey fluffy bundle of joy and energy. We never believed in keeping him locked in a hutch, so he had the run of the roof garden and the indoor living area, which he accessed with complete confidence through the dog flap.

Yes, Muccu lived in harmony with 3 chihuahuas, with whom he forged a great relationship and loved nothing better than to tease them and then hop off to his hutch to hide.

He had his favourite hiding places behind plants and climbing onto pots and adored the rain and getting all soaked!

Muccu had a healthy appetite and we realized something was wrong when within hours he went off food and lost the use of his hind legs. A visit to the vet confirmed the inevitable, that Muccu was past his prime for his breed and nothing much could be done except keep him comfortable till the end, which was only a few hours away alas!

He went over the Rainbow Bridge at the venerable age of 8 years surrounded by his family, who will miss him terribly. Muccu had a good and a happy life.

He will always be in our memories.

Sandra and boys

Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.
(Anatole France)

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