Dog: Mimi – Dallas, GA (10/17/1999 – 07/15/2009)
Mimi, a Toy Chihuahua, was a spunky old gal who lived life to the fullest. She loved going Bye-Bye and she loved cold slushies on a hot GA Summer day. She was truly loved.
Mimi came into our lives so quickly and before I blinked ….. she was gone. I miss her and I want everyone to know that YES she wore clothes. She loved them. In fact, she loved junk food, as well as a nice warm lap to lay in. She loved to cuddle and snore.
Most of all, Mimi was very loved by all of US! She was our baby and spoiled rotten, and she knew it. So did half my family and friends. She never met a stranger she didn’t like. She was too friendly. She was playful and gentle.
She had her own share of my bed for 9 years and her own side of the couch that she hogged. Most of all, she loved with all her might. She was the best gal I ever had. I loved her for all my life. She will always be my MIMI, my BABY, my BUBBY.
She was loved, oh yes …. very loved. I wish you all knew her. Today I had to give her back to Jesus to go play with her friends at Rainbow Bridge and meet her brother who passed not long ago.
I miss her and my heart is aching to pet her, to kiss her, to call out her name. I know where she’s at, but she won’t hear me. I never knew love was that powerful. Oh, I didn’t know I loved her so.
She was my “sunshine” and today she passed so quickly. Her life was gone and today I’m alone for the first time In 9 years. Oh how lost I am without my side kick. Oh how I wish this was all a very bad dream. But I know tomorrow I’ll awake without her and my heart will ache for her.
I miss you Mimi and will always love you.
May GOD Smile Upon You … Today … Tomorrow and Always
Love, Jess
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