Dog: Cocoa (German Shepherd) -Pittsburgh, Pa (Nov. 2002 – Jan. 21, 2013)
Cocoa was my children’s best friend and protector for ten years. She will be missed forever.
She will always be remembered with our family’s love and deepest appreciation. May she rest in eternal peace.
Love always,
Mark, Elizabeth, Matt, Nick, and Maria
Saw your Cocoa’s photo online, and I know that you still grieve over your wonderful dog. I saved her picture because I have a 6 month old German Shepherd pup, Jake, with exactly the same markings, and now we know what Jake will look like in a year or two. Again, I know how you feel losing Cocoa, and I deeply sympathize. I’ve been there.
Diane Weber
I know exactly how you feel. We lost our Gemma in February.She was only 4 years old. We are still grieving. I know your pain.