Dog: Chelsea-Leigh (Dogue De Bordeaux Cross) Barnsley, South Yorkshire
(Sep 18, 2006 – Dec 31, 2012)
Chelsea’s mum died when Chelsea was 3 weeks old. We knew from the day she was born, we would take her at 6 weeks old and visited her every day. Her mother belonged to our friend who lived next door.
After her mother’s death Chelsea had to be bottle fed and due to the amount of work bottle feeding 8 puppies takes her mothers owners asked if we could take her early and we did, we bottle fed her every 2-3 hours for 3 weeks and gradually transferred her to food.
When she was 10/11 weeks old we got Chloe-May who is a full pedigree Dogue De Bordeaux. Chloe was 8 weeks old. Since that day the girls became inseparable.
Chelsea passed away 31st December 2012 at 7:34pm whilst at home.
We are heartbroken but Chloe is more so. It is horrible to see her so sad.
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