Dog: Lilian – Binghamton, NY (02/24/2003 – 05/03/2009)
Lilian was our sweet little dog… Although not the best behaved at times. She was the first Dog my husband and I purchased as a couple, and as such she was spoiled.
We took her out whenever we could. And our children adored her, though they learned early to treat her gentle. Despite our best love and care, Lilian was always a sickly dog.
Our local vet knew us on a first name basis, and Lilian was always treated quickly and efficiently. We never understood why she was this way. Perhaps it was our harsh new york winters, and ever changing spring and fall weather where it could be 70 one day and 25 the next.
She had her own doggy coats and boots for just such weather. Perhaps it was just her breed – an Italian Greyhound. We never knew. But just this past month she came down with some kind of infection and you could see the life draining right out of her.
Lilian was being treated with three different kinds of antibiotics. Yet she continued to get weaker. This past Sunday, May 3rd, 2009 as I was pulling her out of her kennel for another dose of medicine Lilian just heaved this huge sigh and gave me a pleading look. I knew what she wanted, I knew what she needed.
I looked at her, settled her in my lap and told her it was okay… Within minutes she was gone. I kept her there, crying, petting her life-less body and called my Parents. They came over to help me deal with my kids and buried Lilian in our backyard.
I had to call my husband at work and give him the sad news… She is going to be missed.
Our Black Lab keeps looking for her every day, my Two year old calls out her name. The only thing that keeps me going on is the knowledge that now she can be pain free.
She can romp healthy and free in the great beyond, and I can only hope I’ll see her again when it’s my turn to cross over with her.
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