Dog: Cujo (German Shepherd / St. Bernard) – Redford, MI (Dec 2009 – Nov 22, 2015)
Cujo was the culmination of my years of wanting a dog of my own. From a young age, I always wanted a dog but was told no by my parents. When starting my first year of college in 2012, I decided to visit the local humane society and saw a 2 year old dog’s head poke out with furrowed eyebrows. A friendship was born.
It took some serious convincing on my part, but my dad came to do a meet and greet at the shelter and saw that he could sit, lay down, and shake. His response was “we’re taking this dog home, aren’t we?”
Once home, I found that Cujo had some major digestive issues that turned out to be worms which was remedied with medication. After six months, the very skinny and sickly dog who I brought home blossomed into a confident and healthy boy.
For the next 3 years, Cujo was my constant companion on walks, car rides, or just snuggling up with me after I got home from work. I went on a study abroad in the summer of 2015 and he was my last goodbye on my trip and my first hello upon my return. Unfortunately, in November of 2015 his life was cut short by bloat.
He was rushed to an emergency vet but the only thing that could be done was to help him cross over the rainbow bridge. This entry is to leave a lasting record on the internet that Cujo the German Shepherd / St. Bernard took the job of man’s best friend very seriously and was so amazing at his job that even a decade after his death, he is still the ruler that I measure all of my dogs by.
I love you so much buddy ❤️
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